Ad hoc working group of Governing Council (GC) on CIHR’s Institutes
The ‘Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes’ is a working group of Governing Council created to support Governing Council in delivering on its fiduciary responsibilities as they relate to matters of CIHR’s Institutes outlined within the CIHR Act, associated commitments of CIHR’s 2021-2031 Strategic Plan, and the work associated with the Institute Model Review. The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes offers foresight, insight, intelligence, and vision to inform and advise on matters related to CIHR’s Institutes.

Brianne Kent (Chair)
Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University

Debbie DeLancey
Former Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services for Northwest Territories

Annie Descôteaux
Head of Patient Partner Office, Faculty of Medicine,
Université de Montréal
Strategic advisor, Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public

Nancy Edwards
Professor Emerita and Distinguished University Professor in the School of Nursing, University of Ottawa

Caroline Tait
Faculty of Social Work and the Cumming School of Medicine
University of Calgary

Dr. Paul Hébert
President, CIHR
Ex-officio, non-voting member
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