Member Demographics

The College’s initial enrolment efforts began by seeking out the recruitment of Full Members that met all of the College’s Membership Selection Criteria. In early 2018, the College was pleased to announce the Associate Member Program as an opportunity to bring researchers into the College who did not yet meet all of the Membership Selection Criteria (for Academics), particularly those in the early stages of their careers.

Moving forward, the College aims to ensure balanced representation within its membership. As part of our targeted recruitment efforts, we will continuously monitor the membership base to fill expertise and demographic gaps in alignment with CIHR's Equity Strategy and competition reviewing needs. To help with this the College is pleased to announce the Reviewer Pathway, which is a comprehensive suite of learning and capacity development programs aimed at supporting the development of peer review skills across career stages, expertise and background, such as patients and knowledge users.

For questions about the member demographics and/or to request an accessible PDF version of this data, please contact This demographic information is based on self-reported data from College Members.

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